Tag Archives: care

Two Dermatologists on The Skincare Regime to Follow If You’re Fighting Cancer

Two Dermatologists on The Skincare Regime to Follow If You’re Fighting Cancer

One of the many side-effects of cancer treatment are changes to the skin. As Dr Sebastian Cummins, a consultant oncologist (and husband to dermatologist Dr Justine Hextall) puts it, “the skin is the aspect of us that we all see. So when cancer, or more commonly the treatments for cancer, change the skin, it is […]

Coping With Hair Loss

Coping With Hair Loss

Hair is constantly growing, with old hairs falling out and being replaced by new ones. Some cancer treatments make people lose some or all of their hair, most often in clumps during shampooing or brushing. It’s normal for both men and women to feel upset about losing their hair. It helps to know that hair […]

The importance of skin care during cancer treatment

The importance of skin care during cancer treatment

Chemotherapy, radiation and other cancer treatments can cause skin reactions, such as: Dry / Itching Skin Face Rash Radiation Recall Hand-Foot Syndrome Fingernail Issues Dark, Puffy Under-eye Issues Don’t leave your skin untreated because you think it’s “just part of the treatment” or that it will get better on its own; or even worse, try […]

Cancer Patients Need Emotional Care, Too

Besides the physical challenges of treatment, cancer patients also travel an emotional journey. Fear, anxiety and depression can happen while dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. That’s why it is important to address how a patient is coping in addition to how he or she is physically feeling. According to Cure.com, the […]